Level-1-SAMs for tests

When setting up IT systems, numerous tests are absolutely indispensable, and this is no different with the VDV-KA and (((etiCORE. For test use, the VDV-ETS offers special Level 1 SAMs that are functionally identical to the Level 3 SAMs required for later effective operation. The Level 1 SAMs are therefore suitable for component tests during the general development of user media or terminals.

The Level 1 SAMs are available from the VDV-ETS at a unit price of € 45 plus VAT and shipping. The flat shipping rate for delivery within Germany is € 10. Orders can only be placed online via the ASM tool.

Download information ASM tool

What are Level 1, 2 and 3 SAMs (Secure Application Modules)?

The Secure Application Module (SAM) is used as a security module for customer contract partners or service providers and performs the security-relevant functions of the sales terminals and/or control terminals that communicate directly with user media. It can also be used to check the transaction signatures generated with the user media in the background systems.

SAMs used by (((eTicket Deutschland are available in three variants according to the 3 different security levels of the architecture of (((eTicket Deutschland. The respective variants refer to the type and scope of the included keys.

For the tests during the development of system components, we recommend to first work in security level 1 in order to ensure optimal security and at the same time create real operating conditions for the tests. For this purpose, we offer corresponding Level 1 SAMs. All Level 1 SAMs contain exactly the same data, i.e. they are generically configured and mutual clones.

In contrast to the Level 2 and Level 3 SAMs, the data on Level 1 SAMs can be loaded outside the highly secure environment of the Trust Centre in eTT. This means that the values of the keys in the Level 1 SAMs are not confidential: Cryptographic calculations, for example, can also be verified outside the SAMs.